WARNING:I write slash. Specifically, this involves fan fiction exploring sexual relationships between two characters of the same gender, most often male. If you are offended by the notion of two people of the same gender showing their love for each other, there may be something for you here: the Fan Fiction Directory. Likewise, if you are offended by explicit descriptions of sex between consenting adults, please go elsewhere. All graphic pieces are marked with a warning.

Don't Ask

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A tiny little scene, about a question of loneliness.

Trails West

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"Don't Ask" fit itself nicely into another, much longer, story—which may even have a sequel sometime.

And a warning to those of you familiar with this series... I totally blew off most of what's canon in the tv show, and replaced the inconsistencies with how I know things really worked in the Old West.

On the Edge

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Just a bit of a conversation, sitting out on the Mogollon Rim.

Moonlight in Sedona

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Very weird, very bizarre... but hey, what can I say? For those of you that don't know, Sedona is reknowned the world over for its, um, call it spiritual energies. And spending a night under those red rocks can definitely lead to some strange things happening.