Dom and Brian

Dom and Brian


No, not a collection of dried leaves and flowers. This is a collection of random fanfiction from assorted fandoms.


I write slash. Specifically, this involves fan fiction exploring sexual relationships between two characters of the same gender, most often male. If you are offended by the notion of two people of the same gender showing their love for each other, there may be something for you here: the Fan Fiction Directory. Likewise, if you are offended by explicit descriptions of sex between consenting adults, please go elsewhere. All graphic pieces are marked with a warning.

The Fast and the Furious

Full Circle

What happened after Brian handed over those car keys, anyway? There's a sequel movie, several of them, in fact, but I think the premise is a bit off, so I've never watched them. I think Brian ran. And maybe, just maybe, he ran into Dom again, a little way down the road.

Forty-five Degrees

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Brian's life really sucks these days, to the point where he doesn't think it can get any worse. But who knows...

One Hundred Twenty Degrees

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Life takes on one hell of a spin whenever Dom's involved.

Two Hundred Sixty Degrees

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That spin is turning into an out of control spiral. Will there be a crash? Read on, and find out. BTW... getting a bit steamy in here, at least an R, possibly NC-17. Dunno which, my rating-monitor's busted.


User Interface

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It's a few weeks after the destruction of the Master Control Program. Kevin Flynn has his hands full trying to deal with his new position as Vice President of ENCOM after revealing Dillinger's theft of his games. And then life gets even more complicated, when he runs into Ram's user.

Prayer of the Rollerboys

Inner Demons

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Griffin and his family have been in Oregon for several months now. They've found a place for themselves and are settling in. But what they don't know is that Gary Lee isn't safely in jail where he's supposed to be...


King of Goblins

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A scene based on Labyrinth, which may or may not develop more around it.

21 Jump Street

Late Night Chat

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I haven't seen the show 21 Jump Street in a disgustingly long time, so please—if I've got some details wrong, don't beat me up. But my muse is bored, and insisting on variety, so here's a scene from down on Jump Street...


Farscape Tonight

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Beware, this one's excessively cheesy—just a goofy little filk I wrote at work, in anticipation of that night's Farscape episode.

The Cheese Stands Alone

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This one requires a bit of explanation. The evil Othercat was talking about a filk she wants to write about an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which involved a bizarre dream sequence and a guy standing around holding a bunch of cheese. She wanted to include the line "The cheese stands alone." Well, I kinda took off and ran with that... sorry. *wince*

The Mary Sue Song

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Will it never end? Mary Sue has invaded a lovely old country tune, "Mary Lou" as performed by the Statler Brothers. Sorry, but I had to share the horror... It wasn't my fault, either. The thing was inspired by the evil Othercat.





Flynn and Ram

Flynn and Ram






The Goblin King

Tom and Doug

Tom and Doug





These characters are not mine. I make no profit in any way from my fan fiction.