The coast was clear. Apollo snuck quickly out the front door of the Academy, holding his breath as he tiptoed past the hall monitor's cubicle. If she should look up... but she didn't. He was safely out and away, with none the wiser. He laughed aloud as he ran down the wide steps, happy to be free of the stuffy old hulk of a building at last. If he hurried, he'd be able to catch the opening parade for that circus he'd seen advertised on the vid yesterday.

Avians sang cheerfully overhead as the boy pelted down the broad, tree-lined driveway of the Fleet Academy. He slowed as he approached the main gate- wouldn't do to look like he was running away. If he walked slowly, he'd look like he'd been sent out on purpose, should anyone notice him.

He strode confidently through the gate and into the outside world. As always, the noise and bustle of Caprica City washed over him and left him momentarily stunned. He stood beside the gate, back to the wall, to adjust to the press of humanity around him. His family wouldn't approve of him sneaking out like this, oh nosiree- and it would be even worse if they knew he was out on the streets. Whenever he went through the city for any approved reason, he was always tucked safely into a private transport, not out here among the crowds.

A noise caught his attention- a shout, followed by raucous laughter. He looked around and spotted a group of boys surrounding something. Or was that someone? Curious, he shoved his way across the busy street to see what the fun was.

"Go ahead, blast that," a large boy said, and hit the boy at the center of the group. "Aww, what's the matter- Cylons got your gun?"

The whole group laughed uproariously. The blonde boy fell back against the wall, groaning but still upright. "Fuck you, Tarsis," he said.

Tarsis growled and advanced, ready to pound on the smaller boy some more, when another of his group called out. "Peacekeepers coming!"

"Frack!" Tarsis took the time for one last blow, which caused the blonde to double over in pain, then the entire group ran down the street.

Apollo looked down the street. Sure enough, there were peacekeepers appraoching, and if they caught him he'd be in nearly as much trouble as that gang of bullies. His gaze fell on the building behind the blonde boy. It was an empty housing unit, up for sale and in rather bad repair. He darted past the boy into a tiny crack of an alley and tried the door. It opened. He hesitated, then ran back. "Come on!" he said, extending a hand to the boy slumped against the wall.

An angry blue glare was all the response he got.

"Come on! Or do you want the peacekeepers to get you?"

The boy groaned and struggled to his feet. "No, but why the hell should you care?"

"Because I don't want to get in trouble either, now move!" Apollo shoved him in the direction of the open door, then followed. He risked a glance behind him as he jumped through the door, and was rewarded by the sight of a peacekeeper walking past.

Inside, Apollo looked around curiously. They were in a hallway, very shabby and run down. A layer of dust covered everything. The boy leaned up against a wall, clutching his stomach and glaring at Apollo.

"Hello," Apollo said. "My name's Apollo. What's yours?"

"First tell me what you're doing here." The boy was intensely suspicious and wary. Seen up close, he was incredibly scruffy- very dirty, clothing which looked like it had come out of a ragbag, and almost painfully thin. Apollo winced in sympathy as he saw the marks of bruises, both new and old, on that fair skin.

"Trying to stay away from the peacekeepers, of course," Apollo grinned. "I'm supposed to be in school, but there's a circus and I wanted to go. Hey, you want to come with?"

"What the hell's a circus?"

Apollo stared. "You mean, you don't know? Um- it's, well, it's a kind of performance, with acrobats and clowns and- come with me, it's a lot of fun and I can't explain it right."

The suspicious glare gave way to a hesitant smile. "It sounds interesting."

"It's a lot more fun than getting beat up. What was those guys' problem, anyway?"

"They don't like me."

"I could tell! And what were they on about, talking about Cylons?"

The glare returned. "None of your business."

"Hey! I was just asking." Apollo went to the end of the long hallway, where a dirty window looked out on the street. Not a peacekeeper in sight.

"They're gone." He returned to the door they had entered by. "Are you coming- hey, what was your name again?"

"Promise you won't laugh?"

"Of course I promise. Why would I laugh?"

"Because everyone else does. My name's Starbuck."

"Starbuck," Apollo repeated thoughtfully. "I like that." He grinned.

Starbuck searched his face for any sign of mockery, but found none. "So where's this circus of yours?"

"Come on, I'll show you." Apollo opened the door and went outside. Starbuck followed slowly.

Apollo led the way through the city, chattering all the way, until the boys reached the great central park of Caprica City. Apollo was delighted with his new friend- he'd finally found someone who listened to him. Not once during the walk to the park did Starbuck- what a cool name!- tell him to shut up.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Starbuck stopped in his tracks, staring at a sign over the ticket booth. "Admissions five cubits! You didn't say anything about money..."

"Don't worry, I've got a credit voucher." Apollo pulled the piece of plastic out of his belt pouch with a flourish.

"But I can't pay you back."

"Who's worried? It's not my money, it's my dad's. He can afford to pay for tickets for me and a friend, and dinner too."

"Dinner?" A look of intense interest passed across the thin features.

"Yeah, after the show." Apollo grinned.

"Well, okay- if you're sure it's no bother..."

"Of course not. Let's get our tickets and go in."

They were able to purchase two tickets with no waiting, as the show had already begun. They worked their way rapidly past all the booths and sideshows, although Apollo felt a strong yearning to go back and explore them later.

They found seats in the enormous tent that offered a decent view of the main ring, and settled on the hard wooden benches to watch the show. Starbuck was absolutely amazed. He'd never seen anything like this before, had never even imagined such a thing could exist. All the lights, and the glitter, and the music... it was all terribly impressive.

"Well?" Apollo asked afterwards, as they were making their way slowly through the crowds. "Did you like it?"

"Yes!" Starbuck said. "You were right- it was fun."

Apollo laughed. "I knew you'd like it! Come on, let's check out the sideshows."

The boys ooh'd and aah'd their way through the various displays of bizarre creatures and amazing feats, then Apollo decided he'd had enough of the circus and it was time to eat. He took his new friend to one of his favorite restaurants, a place which specialized in an exotic food known as pizza.

Apollo watched Starbuck while he ate, trying not to be obvious about it. He'd never seen anyone devour a pizza so fast, nor so thoroughly. There weren't even crumbs left on his plate after he finished each slice. Apollo ate slowly, to give Starbuck a chance to have more than his share if he wanted.

"Starbuck, where do you live?" he asked, when his curiosity could no longer be contained.

"Don't ask," Starbuck mumbled around a mouthful of gooey cheese. "You really don't want to know."

"Okay, then- what school do you go to?"

Those bright blue eyes narrowed, but Starbuck continued eating his pizza. "None of your business," he replied, when he'd swallowed.

"Just curious, that's all. I go to the Academy. My dad wants me to- hey, what's wrong?"

Starbuck had put his pizza down and was just staring. "You actually go there? To the Academy?"

"Yeah, my dad wants me to be a pilot. Why? It's no big deal."

"No big deal!" Starbuck was outraged. "I'd give anything to go there, to get a chance to fly a Viper and be a warrior, and you say it's no big deal?"

"It isn't, not really," Apollo said. He cocked his head to one side. "If it means so much to you, why don't you go there too?"

Starbuck laughed. "Yeah, right- me, at the Academy. They don't let in penniless orphans." He shoved his chair back from the table. "Look, it's been fun, but I need to go now. Maybe I'll see you later, okay?"

Starbuck left. Apollo rose to follow after him, calling, "Starbuck, wait!" But it was no use- he had to pay the bill before he could leave the restaurant, and by the time that was done with, Starbuck was gone.

Apollo returned slowly to the Academy, sneaking back into the dormitory in a much subdued mood. He wondered where Starbuck lived, what he did during the day if not go to school. Most of all, he wondered if he'd ever see his new friend again.