"Uh-oh..." Apollo cocked his head, listening.

"Uh-oh what?" Starbuck looked frantically around. Nothing was out of the ordinary, if one overlooked the fact that the two boys were up a tree. The sun was shining, avians were twittering, there were even flowers blooming in this immense paradise Apollo called his backyard.

"We'd better get out of the tree- I think Dad's home." He scrambled down rapidly.

Starbuck followed. "Why? What's the big deal about being in a tree?"

"Don't tell anybody I told you this, okay?" Apollo's voice dropped to a conspiritorial whisper. "My dad likes to play gardener, and grow prize-winning fruit trees."

Starbuck snickered. "And here I thought he was a big tough military man... you mean, people win prizes with trees?"

"Yeah, at the garden shows and stuff. It's really weird, if you ask me, but hey- whatever. Come on, let's go say hi."

Apollo was off like a shot for the interior of the house. Starbuck hung back, more than a little reluctant to meet the man of the house. What if there was trouble?

"Starbuck, come on!" Apollo reappeared and dragged Starbuck inside. "Hey Dad, you have to meet my friend! He's staying with us for the break."

"Oh is he now," said the tall, imposing man in the kitchen.

Starbuck gulped. A commander! Oh, my- Apollo hadn't warned him what rank his father held, only that he was an officer.

"Yes, he is," Ila interjected firmly. She smiled at Starbuck. "This is Starbuck, Apollo's friend from the city."

"Yes, dear," Adama said, with a twinkle in his eye. "It's good to meet you at last, Starbuck." He smiled. "I've heard a lot about you."

"You- you have?" Starbuck's eyes widened.

"Yes, Apollo had many good things to say about you."

Starbuck's eyebrows shot up and he looked at Apollo, who only grinned.

"Unfortunately, he discovered those good things while playing hookey from school-" the heavy eyebrows lowered as Adama gazed at his eldest son. Apollo lost the grin. "And how is your work at the Academy progressing, Apollo?"

Apollo squirmed. "I did pretty well this term, father. I passed all my classes."

"Just passing won't get you into officer training- remember that, Apollo. You need to be the best at everything you do and keep up the family name."

There was a spot of something extremely interesting somewhere around Apollo's left toe. He stared at it intensely. "Yes, father."

"Oh, Adama- go easy on the boy, will you?" Ila sighed. "He's only fourteen. He's got three and a half more yahrens at the Academy yet to become the best- and remember, I know how you did in your first yahren there." She flicked the commander's sleeve lightly with a dish towel.

Adama's face relaxed into a smile. "Now, now- there's no need to bring that up, is there?"

"Yes there is, if you persist in being so uptight. The boy is on vacation. Let him enjoy it."

Adama sighed. "Yes, dear."

Apollo looked up from his spot. "How did you do your first yahren, Dad?" That irrepressible grin made a comeback.

"Out! Now!" Adama ordered, waving his hands at the boys. Ila threatened him with the towel again and he laughed.

"But I want to know-"

"Apollo." One word from Ila was enough to send Apollo scurrying, with a very relieved Starbuck at his heels.

"Damn, I really wanted to know how he did," Apollo said, once they were safely into the hallway. "So what did you think of my father?"

"You didn't tell me he was a commander."

"Oh, sorry- never thought of it. He's just my dad, you know? I never think about his rank."

"Wow. Must be cool, having a commander for your father. Does he tell you all sorts of cool things he's done?"

Apollo's face clouded. "Nah- maybe he would if he was ever home, but he isn't and he doesn't. Come on, let's go in my room and we can finish that Raider model."

"Okay! Too bad there isn't a Viper to blow it up with..." Starbuck grinned.

"Is that all you ever think about?" Apollo laughed.

"You know it!"

Apollo grinned and was overcome by anticipation. He couldn't wait to put the next phase of his plan into effect!